Jonathan Lyons, PT
Chief Executive Director
Katie Malloy
Human Resource Director
At Pinnacle Personal Care, your safety and the quality of service you receive are paramount. Our caregivers are Certified Nursing Assistants or Direct Service Worker certified with years of experience in caring for others. They are CPR and First Aid certified. Caregivers undergo comprehensive background screening. Pinnacle Personal Care provides ongoing education specifically directed toward safety and patient care needs as well as individually directed care concerns. Providing sitter/caregiver services is uniquely intimate. Recognizing the gift in a caregiver is a process we take seriously. We evaluate caregivers for their skill set and their personality. One-on-one care for extended periods of time can be emotionally trying, so we also look at their motivation for both their job and for life. Good character, integrity and honesty are the primary traits we look for in an employee. All caregivers work for Pinnacle Personal Care, we do not subcontract out. This insures that they have the proper training as well as supervision.
5627 S.Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite B
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70816
Phone: 225-215-2273
Fax: 225-214-1232
©2011-2019 Pinnacle Personal Care.
Created By: dezinsINTERACTIVE